Kubota KX161-3 - New Replacement Parts For Heavy Equipment

Convert Kubota KX161-3 to steel tracks

This isn’t just about the Kubota KX161-3; it covers a variety of other Kubota excavators too, such as the KX057-4, U48-5, U55-5, KX060-5, KX057-5, U55-4, U55, U50-3, and U48-4.

Kubota 161-3 steel tracks

If you visit the dealer, they might input data into their system and advise you to replace all the sprockets, rollers, and idlers to switch from rubber tracks to steel tracks. However, this recommendation might be tailored for Kubota’s own steel tracks, which could have a different chain configuration incompatible with your undercarriage. That’s not the case with our steel tracks; they’re designed specifically to fit your rubber tracks undercarriage.

We had a recent customer from Pennsylvania who bought steel tracks from another company but received the wrong ones, probably meant for a steel undercarriage configuration. When we provided him with our steel tracks, they fit snugly around his idler and sprocket, perfectly aligning with his bottom rollers. He’s been using them for a year now without any issues.

The popularity of Kubota excavators is evident as we’ve converted hundreds of rubber-tracked Kubota mini excavators weighing between 10,000lbs to 18,000lbs to steel tracks with bolt-on rubber pads. Additionally, our steel triple grouser shoes come pre-drilled with four bolt holes, allowing you to attach rubber pads for added flexibility in applications like road construction and sidewalk work. Follow us on Youtube and X Convert Kubota KX161-3 to steel tracks today.

For further information or any inquiries, feel free to reach out via phone Alasdair Mackenzie 360-518-6088 or email. We’re here to assist you.

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